Guestbook for
Name:usman muhammad
Where are
you from:
niger state
Comments:what you become in life is the combination of what you make out of life so always believe in yourself.
ex:What is your favorite color brown
ex:Favorite Quote let make "God" test as a ticket to upgrade our faith & "God" is my only hope
 Who is your mentor allah is my only hope
January 12, 2014 14:35:57 (GMT Time)

Name:kingsley bello
Where are
you from:
onne eleme rivers state
Comments:please i want to known the procedure to acquire mandatory in marine time academic oron .
ex:What is your favorite color brown
ex:Favorite Quote the long lived of mangrooved in the river line does not make him the family of crocodile
 Who is your mentor 2pac
October 8, 2013 10:18:08 (GMT Time)

Name:aguma paul
Where are
you from:
Rivers state
Comments: tins ar very rof nw since graduation no job my dear.God il continue 2protect u'.
ex:What is your favorite color blue
ex:Favorite Quote good 2b
 Who is your mentor my God.
July 17, 2013 23:43:56 (GMT Time)

Name:ralph thomas atkinson
Where are
you from:
nova scotia canada
Comments:greetings.peace be unto you children.the time has come to take up your crosses and take a stand for your good works.the end of time as we know it is upon us.come into the light where evil hast no power over you.peace be unto you.amen
ex:What is your favorite color green
ex:Favorite Quote “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf
 Who is your mentor OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST
March 24, 2011 15:10:11 (GMT Time)

Name:Kumnan T. Bigwan
Where are
you from:
Jos, Plateau State.
Comments:Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal, so ma bros, kip up what U started and We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations. Kip ur head up.
ex:What is your favorite color Blue
ex:Favorite Quote Vanity of Vanity says the preacher Vanity of Vanities, everything is Vanity. by King Solomon.
 Who is your mentor too many to mention.
July 3, 2010 03:04:48 (GMT Time)